Sunday, February 26, 2012


I just recently got a Twitter account and I would love to have you follow me! 

I hope you had a relaxing Sunday spent with the ones you love. Let's make tomorrow a great monday! Even though it can be a very challenging task... let's try our best to be happy!

My question I've been thinking about today:

What are you putting your time and energy into? Does it really matter in the long run?

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Friday, February 24, 2012

Confessional Friday

I decided to link up with Leslie from A Blonde Ambition this Friday for the first time! If you are not following her blog, I HIGHLY suggest it. 

It's time to get my confession on!

1. I woke up this morning with the intension of riding my bike... and it was quickly shot down!

2. I have bought 5 undies, a bra and sleep shorts (Victoria Secret), a dress and ring (Forever 21),  a pair of earring (Mary&Dyer), and a shirt and skirt (TJ Maxx) all in this month. I'm sure there is something else, but I can't remember... 

3. I was falling asleep while massaging one of my clients yesterday. Literally I could not keep my eyes open! 

4. I have left a mug partly filled with coffee in my room for the past 3 days...and I continue to walk by it, even after writing this. 

5. I have been waiting for this Friday for at least a month to get here so I can see the couple that won the Dream Wedding on Live with Kelly get married today in Hawaii! 

6. I am a proud new owner of the white iPhone 4S!!!!!

7. I will be stuffing my face with sushi tonight. Father daughter date! Aren't they the best?:)

I hope you have a lovely Friday night! And if anyone has any prayer requests I would love to pray for you. Just email me at

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Monday, February 20, 2012

My President's Day

Hello my loves! Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. I am just extremely busy with school and work right now, so it's hard to get on a regular blogging schedule. I wanted to take the time to tell you all how my President's Day was! Since I'm sure you are dying hopefully a little interested to know about!
 My morning started off by making blueberry and banana pancakes with my lovely mother, watching Live with Kelly (no more Regis...sad day) and Say Yes to The Dress! Can it get much better than that? Oh, and also drinking homemade orange juice! 

After my wonderful breakfast, Vince (my boyfriend) came over and we went on a 3 mile hike. The weather was perfect today... sunny and 70 degrees! We ran most of the way down the mountain- trying not to fall. I am sort of a klutz at times, so Vince made sure to run on the cliff side of the trail, he is such a gentleman!! This is a picture of us after our successful hike with thankfully- no injuries.

Once we got back I made us both a tasty lunch, which consisted of: fresh spinach, tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers, and humus, all on pita bread. This is such a healthy lunch that is sure to satisfy your tummy! 

We also made a yummy smoothie! Made with: Coconut water, almond milk, frozen pineapple, spinach, peaches, blueberries, a fresh banana (for creaminess), and flaxseed. I forgot to take the picture before I started drinking it because it was just so tasty!

Vince picked up an extra shift at work tonight so our day was cut short together, but I plan on finishing up some very procrastinated homework and making a yummy dinner with my mom. I hope you all have a wonderful President's Day! I would love to hear what your day consisted of. 

Love Always,

Samantha, LMT 

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Goodbye Whitney...

You will be missed and never forgotten... I have always loved you and your voice ever since I watched Cinderella with Brandy and you as the her fairy godmother when I was a little girl. I would sing along (and still do) whenever I watched it and pretended I sounded as amazing as you did. Every once and awhile I will still randomly sing one of your songs and just belt it out! 

Even though you eventually ended with a bad reputation, I still thought (and will continue to think) of you as a superstar. You will always have a special place in my heart and be remembered with warming memories. 

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Am Officially an Addict


It's terrible really...... terribly wonderful! Vince came over last tonight and saw my card out on the desk and was like, "Oh no.... what did you buy now??" and I gave a well defended explanation of course! I just pressed the magic button for the Mary & Dyer "A Girl With Kaleidoscope Eye Earring." They are on sale for $4.00 with free shipping (as everything always is)! Check out her online boutique if you haven't already. I guarantee you will find something you cannot live without ;) 

Next, I found a ring and dress I could not pass up at Forever 21! I had a $25 gift card from Christmas and decided to use it online... since I'm addicted. 



I love the mint color of this dress and think it's perfect for Spring, which is hopefully right around the corner. I could not be more ready for it... all my dresses have been teasing me, but it's still just a bit too chilly!

Thursday is finally here and I could not be happier. It has become my new Friday night! Can I get an amen for 3 day weekends?? Have a wonderful weekend loves, be blessed. 

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Skyscraper

This week has been full of homework and studying... school is definitely kicking my bootay at the moment and I'm not happy about it. I have 3 tests tomorrow (prayers are MUCH appreciated) in psychology, biology AND math. I am going to need some serious brain power! I get so frustrated with myself because I sometimes always tend to wait till the last minute to get some real studying time in. I'm not the only one right!? After these tests are over with I have fun plans for the weekend and plan on writing up a post all about it, so don't forget to check back in at beginning of next week! School at the moment is my "skyscraper" if you will. I just thought I would share this music video with you all because Demi's voice really connects to me in this song and.... I just like imagining myself sounding like her. 
Have a wonderful rest of your week lovelies! 

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Choose NOT to be Offended

My mom emailed me this devotion yesterday and it was exactly what I needed to hear. I hope you take the time to read this because it really helps put things in perspective, away from our selfish emotions.  

"I Choose NOT to be Offended" -Wendy Blight
“A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11 (NIV)
What did she mean by that? Why does she always hurt my feelings? Why does she treat me that way?

I didn’t realize these words played through my head on a continual basis until my daughter pointed it out. She ended many of our conversations with, “Why do you get your feelings hurt so easily?” Or, “Mom, you’re so sensitive.”

At first, her words angered me. But over time, I began to hear what she was saying. For years, I allowed people’s words to hurt my feelings. In turn, I harbored anger for those words. The anger took root. Satan fed the words to me over and over again. I re-played them in my mind. Each time the anger grew deeper roots.

Listening to a sermon in church, I would think, “I wish ______ was here. They really need to hear this!” Of course, the sermon by-passed my heart all together. The words of others consumed my thoughts and focus, and stole my time.

About this time, God called me to teach a Bible study on the book of Proverbs. I spent days and weeks absorbed in this amazing book of wisdom. One afternoon, this verse leapt off the page and into my heart, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense” (Proverbs 18:11).

I had a choice. Up until now, I heard people’s words, jumped to a conclusion, and chose to be offended. But through His Word, God spoke and said, “Wendy, you can choose to look past their words and not receive them with an offended heart.”

I discovered that I needed to LISTEN objectively and ask: What is driving their words? Do they have a valid point? Do they have a deep hurt? Do they need something I am not giving? Are they generally just plain mean and negative?

The responsibility was on me to stop the words from entering my heart and taking root. I discovered in this process that I WANTED the approval of others. Yet, God’s Word clearly says that He is the only One whose approval I need. When I accepted this, my heart changed.

Yes, it took time, and I am a work in progress. But, now when someone speaks a hurtful word, I check it at the door of my heart. I hear the words, I recognize my issue, and I speak Truth over my heart. I literally say, “It is to my glory to not receive this as an offense.”
It is a win-win for everyone because I do not ruin the rest of the day by pouting and making it all about me or soaking in self-pity. And, each time, I sense God is pleased as I honor Him by choosing NOT to be offended.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am created in Your image. Thank You I find my identity in You. Thank You that it is only Your Word and Your opinion that matter. Lord, give me Your ears to hear. Help me not to be easily offended and easily angered. Help me lay down any offenses to which I am currently holding. Let me live in the freedom of Your love and forgiveness. Help me live not in my flesh, but supernaturally in the fullness and freshness of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Ephesians 4:26-27, “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” (NIV 1984) 
Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (NIV 1984)  
"I read this and thought about how sometimes I get my feelings hurt too easily or am too sensitive to what others say. Thought you might like to read it too. Love you!" - my wonderful mother

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Brag About A Product Friday

Today's product is a Camelbak water bottle. If you don't own one of these, go to your nearest Target (or online) and purchase one. I promise you won't regret it! I use mine every single day and it keeps me drinking water like a mad woman! If I forget it one day (wherever I am going) I sort of have one of those "freak out" moments...

 me - water = not a pretty picture

I can't stress enough how important it is to drink a HEALTHY amount of water throughout the entire day! This is one thing that I am actually good at doing! So I am always pushing my parents, boyfriend, friends, random strangers, don't worry I don't go that far... to keep drinking water or asking if I can get them a cup. 

AND these water bottles are only about $15.00 (without filter)
I think one with a filter is about $10.00 more, but don't hold me to that! 

If you haven't caught on to what I'm suggesting here, go buy one! They're A.M.A.Z.I.N.G., cross my heart. 

Fun Fact: 
I have a new found love for biking. It is an incredible stress reliever and a great way to keep your legs toned and the cardio up! I am one of those people that are basically paranoid of everything. For example, running alone. I always want to go out running but if I can't have a running partner with me I won't go.... yes I'm a big baby, but I got chased by a wild dog last time I ran alone so I don't want to try my luck again. Anyways! Riding a bike is something I can do by myself because I just feel much safer, and I could run away from a dog faster on a bike then on my feet. And guess what I take with me when I ride..... you're right! My Camelbak water bottle!

Have a wonderful weekend loves! If you have any exciting news, prayer requests, random comments or suggestions, I would love to hear them. 

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT

Thursday, February 2, 2012

You Won't Regret Reading This

Here is a collection of a few pictures I have found on Tumblr in the past few days that just made me smile, or feel inspired. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! 

Have a wonderful weekend lovelies, stay true. 

Love Always, 

Samantha, LMT
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