Hello love!
I'm Samantha and am first of all a follower of Christ. I love my God and He is always going to be my first priority in life. I am a full time college student, a licensed massage therapist and a health and wellness coach. I have the best job because I help others regain their energy, lose weight, and earn secondary income! I absolutely love what I do. Please visit my website lovecleansing.com for your free no-obligation consultation today! I put passion and drive into every part of my life. The majority of my blog is based off my journey as a cleansing coach and a massage therapist, healthy recipes, and health tips! I have an incredible family who I love with all my heart. My parents are still together and love each other, which I could not be more thankful for. My dad is a pilot and my mom is a 4th degree black belt, pretty awesome right?! I have an older brother who is basically a genius! He is majoring in computer science, need I say more...? He blows my mind every time he tries to explain something to me and I just never understand it!
Here's a family picture:
(this picture was taken in Ireland, and if you haven't been, GO!)
I also have one incredible boyfriend. He is my better half and I do hope to marry him one day (Lord willing). He is the love of my life and I am blessed beyond measure to have him in my life. This picture was taken on our 1 year anniversary! We have been together since July 13, 2010. I couldn't be happier!

Overall, I love my life. I try to take in as much as I possibly can. I don't want to miss out on anything or be closed minded. I try to show kindness and love towards everyone, without judgement. I want to become the woman God needs me to be. I hope you enjoy reading my blog about my journey and feel free to ask me any questions!
I feel extremely blessed for the opportunities I have been given and I believe in order to be successful you have to show a drive and put effort into whatever it is you are doing. This blog is going to remind me to never give up on what I know can be accomplished through the grace of God, hard work, and perseverance.
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I would be more than happy to read all the comments you have! I greatly appreciate them and promise to answer each one as soon as possible.
Love Always,
Samantha, LMT