Tonight I put together my first massage stool! This may seem insignificant but it it very exciting to me! I am about to start my first job as a massage therapist tomorrow and I could not be more excited (I'll give details in a later post). My mom and I made a trip to Target/Ross and I purchased this stool, frames for my certificates, a basket to put my supplies in, and a blanket for my clients since the weather is finally starting to cool off.
After! |
This chair was on clearance at Target for $15! (I'll write it off on my taxes later, every bit counts!) and I decided to leave the back off of it to make it a stool. It will make it much easier to maneuver around my massage room. I love the green color! There was a pink one as well... but I figured green would be a little more professional and earthy (since people are into that nowadays). I can not wait to sit on it while I give my first massage tomorrow, at my first job (as you can tell, I am excited)!
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Love Always,
Samantha, LMT