I recently have created an account with Vertical Response so I can send out email blasts to my clients.
This is one of the best decisions I have made yet! It is extremely easy to use and provides emails with professional templates, postcards, surveys, and so much for. I would suggest using Vertical Response if you are in need of this type of program. This display you see below is an email I sent out earlier today to all my clients. Whoever receives my email blasts are able to "like" it to Facebook, "Tweet" it, or "In Share" it (honestly I do not know what that is, so if you do please tell me). I am so excited to keep progressing my business further and further (God willing). If you want to sign up for my email list, please let me know! I would be more than happy to send you all the specials and other information along with my massage therapy business.
This is a 30% discount!
Do you have a birthday coming up?
We'd love to celebrate your special day with you. Receive a massage and a 30% discount on your special day. Can't come in on the day? No worries. Just let us know it's your birthday present from us and we'll apply it on your next visit.
Either way, enjoy your birthday by treating yourself to a relaxing massage!
Call to Schedule Your Special Day Appointment Today!
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I would be more than happy to read all the comments you have! I greatly appreciate them and promise to answer each one as soon as possible.
Love Always,
Samantha, LMT